03 September 2008

They took Mr. Rogers off the air, and I am devastated. This is by far, the best kids show ever in a million years. The kids get up and veg for all of 30 minutes a day in front of the tube, and I sleep. I feel like stomping my feet and screaming, "It's not fair!". So, if you want to help me preserve my sanity, sleep time, and help save an American icon from floating away into memory, sign this petition, please: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/mrrogersonnpt/
I know I am behind posting details of our lives, but hey, we're busy 'round these parts.
Ok- One quickie:
Eli (at 6 am to Ollie): Mornin' Ollie, you look funny....
and then a few minutes later:
Eli: I goin' to rock and roll camp.... (He then proceeds to play air guitar saying, "nah, nah, nah, nah."
All this when I was wallowing in my pre-coffee grumpiness...


Manda said...

OMGosh! NOooooo!! I hadn't been up early enough to realize this since the new schedule started. Thanks for the heads up and I will pass around the link to the petition. Thanks!

Mandy said...

I noticed that "Big Comfy Couch" was missing... but I thought maybe that I was imagining things. This stinks!