23 January 2007

I hope I don't Jinx it!

Elijah has had 3 consecutive nights of glorious sleep. He's been waking 1-2 times. Once for each parent. Woooooo-hoooooo. Just thought I'd share the good. More, much more later. Peace out.


Anonymous said...

good news indeed! maybe there really is a helpful sandman who was just so busy helping others sleep ... :)

Anonymous said...

oops, didn't mean to ck. anonymous...as i said,

good news indeed! maybe there really is a helpful sandman who was just so busy helping others sleep ... :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Eli sleeping and poo on that lady at the grocery store. Evan should have told her that her baby may be breastfed but it is still UGLY!!! Love your blog Courtney. Can't wait to see you guys in Feb. Love from your Indiana SIL who loves to talk about boobs and poop!