07 October 2009

They talk about a life of brotherly love,

A day in the life of learning out and about..


healing hillary said...

love "seeing" you here. and your boys darling...did you get churned butter? yum!

we have been trying to shake up a jar of cream this week for our own live butter. so far it still needs some work.


Tough mama said...

Hilliary, we tried it. It was yummy. Are you shaking or mixing. Shaking, I've learned takes about 20 minutes, and you must keep it clean. We are thinking of doing our own around Thanksgiving. :) PS. Love your blog.

Sherry Gann said...

This all looks strangely familiar. ;)

Tough mama said...

Sherry, somedays I think we just share a blog. You take better pictures anyway, and my boys are even in some of them.

Oh, and about the butter, I meant COLD not clean. I am the typo queen.