S is for Super and the U is for Unique.....
This is a picture of Ollie last October. Since then he has grown about 12 feet, yet he still LOVES this costume. He will wear it everywhere and all day. This costume seems to make strangers so very happy. He gets the biggest grins when he wears it to the grocery store or the community center. Never yet has he seen a Superman cartoon, but he knows a lot about this superhero. Once, I looked into his big eyes of wonder and had a similar conversation: “I want to fly.” “Me, too, buddy, but people can’t fly.” “But Superman can fly.” “Yes, but he is a superhero, and superheroes are pretend.” “NO THEY AREN’T! THEY ARE REAL!!” (Imagine this said emphatically, knowingly, and with the paten O-Ray scowl.) He wore it, sadly for the last time this week. I had to put my foot down. The legs now only cover his knees and his, um, how shall I put this, his super parts were being cramped in the costume. He wore it one last day, everywhere we went, and then bid farewell to it as if it were a friend promising it to Eli when the time comes.
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