28 July 2008

You're very well read, It's well known

Summer reading list and reviews, by Toughmama:

Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit-Disorder: Last Child in the Woods
I love this book. It really reiterates what I was already thinking and gives credence to my hands-off approach to outside play. I try not to get up their butts, both so I can work, read, or relax AND so they can be kids. Our parents didn't have any problems with this philosophy (Aint Cindy used to LOCK us out of the house! And, I actually roamed around the woods when I was a kid, gasp, alone!) This book just backs up the obvious benefits to letting kids be kids, and I enjoyed it.
Now, sort of along those same lines, this book reads more like a work of fiction, but is relatively the life of Jeannette Walls, whom I'd never heard of before reading this book. In a nutshell: grew up poor, played outside, crazy parents, hit it big by working hard. Good quick read.
The Mother by Pearl S. Buck (an incredible woman as well):
This women, the main character, is the epitome of focused and hard working. Ayn Rand eat your heart out. Also, quick to read, but I feel inspired by this mother's diligence, outlook, and persistence.
Wicked: Gregory Maquire
Much, much better than my pals told me it was, and than I expected. I read the whole thing enjoying every minute. You never know what is on someone's inside or in their past that leads them to where you see them today.....
I guess part of it is that during the school year, I am too zonked to read or am grading papers at night, but I have enjoyed each of the books that I've read this summer. And, this one, too. I knew nothing of Pan Yuliang, but now I feel like I have the inside scoop. I love reading artists' biographies.
What should I read next?

26 July 2008

Underneath the bridge where the water flowed through

Goggles on.

Goggles off.

Whoaaaa Dude!

Eli napped on the beach. Sweet-Sleepy eyes.

Jelly fish galore. There were piles and piles of these snotty-stinging creatures.

The great jellyfish hunter/ ghost, sand crab hunter

This is the last round of beach pictures. Lu-lu took tons, and I took a few myself, so I've got a plenty, hence the 3 days of posts about it.

25 July 2008

Fins to the right

You know it's serious when I resort to Buffet lyrics instead of Bobby D. Well, I can't deny my upbringin' y'all.
"Hey Ollie....." I swear I said this, and he sprinted.
I am building a childhood here, and I think with the help of my peeps, it's going well.
PS. Recent O-Ray question: If I close my eyes, can I see my brain? Eli: Why????

24 July 2008

Fins to left....

I scooped up a dead shark, and we studied him!

We're back from a jellyfish/ seaweed filled week at the beach. The weather was perfect, and we had a great time, despite the unprecedented amount of wildlife. Today is just a sample of the good times as I am un-burying myself from tasks that mounted while away. Enjoy.

16 July 2008

The sunny sky is aqua blue..

We're off today to Navarre Beach, Florida. No men, just women and children. I am so lucky to be able to take the children to the shore. I'll return with a full report. Sun, sand, salt, and Bloody Mary's at 10am here I come.

15 July 2008

She's got everything she needs, she's an artist, she don't look back..

I am participating in a blog party with other Artsy Mamas (check out the link below). I was asked to mention how Mamahood has affected my art, and here is what I came up with: A series of half finished projects. All of the following are incomplete and have been in progress for several months. My focus, as a mom has changed. The only thing I can seem to finish is dinner, baths, stories, and occasionally a straight house. Everything else remains an unfinished good idea. (Am I allowed to blame my parenting for my lack of project completion? Focus, Danielson.)

Featured art includes: Wood burning experiments, mosaic table, camouflaged knitted hat for Evan, a canvas that I am doodling on and will write an original poem on, and butterfly envelops that need to be re-glued.

13 July 2008

Sold my guitar to the baker's son

Uncle Dave Macon Days, Murfreesboro, TN
Pickin' and Grinnin', Ole' timey trains, and good ole' bluegrass....
PS. Good to see you and your bunch MandyRay

12 July 2008

Falls on strangers, travels free

So, the other day I was flipping channels and stumbled upon a show that I used to LOVE. Quantum Leap. It sticks out in my head for sevral reasons, despite the cheesiness. You just never know how your actions and words will affect the future. You also just never know who you are dealing with. Now I don't believe that people that I encounter are on special missions from the future, but I do tend to believe that I can never know a strangers full story. Being kind and doing the right thing always has positive echos. I relish the romantic notion that there are people on this earth on secret missions to make things better for individuals and for humanity. A quote I have kept around for sometime now says, " Be kind. For everyone you know is fighting a hard battle." And, I know that to some extent this is true.

11 July 2008

Let me sleep in your meadows with the green grassy leaves

Hey Moms, I love this Green Mom Finds, and they are having a contest. Go here to enter for free plastics without harmful chemicals.

10 July 2008

If there's a poor boy on the street, then let him have my seat...

This comic strip appeared in our Sunday paper, and is so universally parent, I couldn't help but identify with it. (You may have to click on it to read it.) I have been overlooking the popcorn and raisins in our seats for much too long. I just don't even see it anymore. By the time everyone finally makes it to the car, the last thing I think about is cleaning the seats. It seems that the debris just belongs there. The leftover snack food is just a permanent fixture to the car. I usually don't even think to clean it out when I have to tell Eli not to eat the leftovers. I overheard in the t-ball field parking lot the other day a dad exclaim, "these have got to be the most disgusting car seats." I almost challenged him.

09 July 2008

Without my Uncle Rat's consent

Just a quick comment about the abundance of mice and rats in children's books, tv, and video. It freaks me out. Mice are not cute. Rats are even less cute. Ugg... I just read a book to Ollie about a little rat riding a horse. Why is that necessary? An armadillo, opossum, or even a prairie dog, but a rat? Have these people ever seen a rat. Gross.

08 July 2008

And every time I pass that way I always hear my name

Hey guys! Summer is swallowing me whole, and I am hard pressed to find to seconds for in front of the computer. Here are some pictures of the cave we were in last weekend. Update on the 4th and much more up my sleeve. Stay tuned sports fans.

03 July 2008

So, this no shampoo thing is working out okay, and I am playing with the quantities, but it has stimulated more thought and disgust from me, too. I am baffled why with perfectly easy, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly ways to clean ourselves, how in the heck the "beauty" industry has gotten so bloated and bizarre. Out recently, I noticed that almost every single person in the room had changed their hair in some way. Most had this fake looking color and hard gel or hairspray. It's a sham. If we all just stopped think of the resources, time, money, and chemicals that could be saved. We have the power to change the standard of beauty in this country. Appreciate naturalism. Just love it. Be disgusted by waste and poison in our environment and stop buying into the entire industry. It's really ridiculous. We've been duped. Your hair color is beautiful and perfect for you. You do not need prickly hair. If your hair is flat, I'm sure it looks great. If it is curly, wowee. Don't fight it. Just make a decision to be happy with what you have and don't judge others because they don't buy, buy, buy the latest shade of blond or streak in those shades of red. It isn't worth it.
Here's a recipe for shampoo that I got from my favorite book: Reader's Digest, Back to Basics. (I have the 1st addition)
Rum and egg shampoo for oily hair: Beat together 3 eggs, 3/4 cup of rum, and 3/4 cup of rose water and massage thouroughly into scalp and hair. Rinse with vinegar or beer if your hair is dark or the juice of half a lemon if your hair is fair.