08 August 2008

Gladys Mae

Her husband knew her as "happy butt." If I had been the Pastor, I would have mentioned that. Although, in the minuscule southern town of Butler, AL, I am not so sure it would have been as affectionately or appropriately received as I would have meant it. Gladys Mae, aka Mamaw passed away this week. She was 85 years old, and deemed a saint at her funeral. She had 8 kids, 21 grandchildren, and 32 great grandchildren, including my own. It was said, and true it was, she prayed for each one of them by name daily. She had a personal relationship with all of her family and I am positive that I was special to her. She was good-folk and very country, in the best way possible. She lived on a farm, worked hard,trusted the Lord, and enjoyed her kids. She is an inspiration to me and an example in faith, love, patience, understanding, and dilgence, and I will miss her dearly.


Mandy said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Courtney. Thanks for sharing about Gladys Mae and her life.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss, too. What you wrote about her was very lovely and inspirational; I felt like I knew her. My condolences to you and yours.

Angel Funk said...

I am so sorry Courtney. She sounds like an amazing woman.