Greetings from the 'hoochie! The kids and I tagged along as tourists to Chattanooga with Evan who had some sort of Geography conference this week. Hotel sleeping went great thanks to the pack n play, and we saw all the sights including: The Aquarium, Lookout Mountain, Sea Monsters on the IMAX, and the fabulous children's museum. Chattanooga is a lovely town, and one of our favorite parts was riding the free electric shuttle everywhere we needed to go. The shuttles have been free and electric since '93. Goooo Chattanooga!
28 March 2008
I'm an American, aquarium drinker....
Greetings from the 'hoochie! The kids and I tagged along as tourists to Chattanooga with Evan who had some sort of Geography conference this week. Hotel sleeping went great thanks to the pack n play, and we saw all the sights including: The Aquarium, Lookout Mountain, Sea Monsters on the IMAX, and the fabulous children's museum. Chattanooga is a lovely town, and one of our favorite parts was riding the free electric shuttle everywhere we needed to go. The shuttles have been free and electric since '93. Goooo Chattanooga!
24 March 2008
Wouldn't know the difference between a real blonde and a fake
This Easter we were visiting inlaws in the Crossroads of America. As I was busy spiffing up the boys, I took out a little Velcro tie number for Eli. Ollie is very concerned about looking fancy. He is one to wear slick dress-up shoes and button-down shirts every day of the year. He must tuck in his shirts. Evan and I are "slightly" more casual than that and have each had periods of our lives in which we didn't ever brush our hair let alone tuck. In fact, when they made tucking a rule at the school in which I taught last year, our motto was, F#ck the tuck. But, as far as rebellions go, it could be worse than an aspiring Alex P. Keaton. So anyway, I didn't have a tie for Ollie and he stood there gawking at me distraughtly as I prepared to fasten a tie onto my 1 1/2 year old. So, I relented and at least tried it on him to prove that I could be reasonable. It came to his nipples and certainly would never do for church. So, Superhero Uncle Ethan swooped in and fashioned him a tie from one of his. He tucked the fat part of the tie into his button down and wrapped it around several times. Ollie was SOOO proud. He puffed up and wanted to wear the thing all day. He would have worn it home to the 'boro if he could have. The usually shy kid walked around a new church waving and saying Hi to everyone that passed us. Elijah on the other hand, Ollie's polar opposite, jerked the Velcro number that I had brought for him to wear, stuck out his lips and tore the tie off as quickly as I had put it on. Ah, well, you cant' please everyone. And for goodness sakes, we will be tie shopping, soon I guess.
19 March 2008
If not for you, winter would have no spring, couldn't hear the robins sing,
14 March 2008
Don't the clouds look lonesome shining across the sea
11 March 2008
He was on the baseball team, he was in the marching band
Once, my brother "hit the ball over the fence." That day has gone down in our own family history and I am pretty sure he still has that little league baseball. My dad coached my T-ball team, though I didn't play often, because, well, I suck at hand-eye-coordination and I "throw like a girl." None the less, I expect that Ollie will enjoy the benefits of being around other 4 year olds, hearing a cheering crowd, basking in the spring time sun, and just try and get him out of his new baseball socks - no way! So if you see a mom sitting on the sidelines, knitting, reading, or with a far away look in her eyes, it's probably me, but I am pretending in my mind to be in a South American country on holiday.
07 March 2008
'N' every bit of dust in the Oklahoma plains,
03 March 2008
Way over yonder in the minor key
02 March 2008
Elijah the bean
01 March 2008
Come one, come all martins!
Free -Recycled-Composting! What great words to put together! The sunshine today was truly a blessing, and we took full advantage of it. We started the day with a walk to the park, played some b-ball, and went down the slide a couple of times. (Eli said, "one-two, freee" before going down to my huge surprise!) We then came home and finally erected a compost bin! I have been bugging E about this for a while, and was even sneaking rouge pile behind the shed. We called a local store and asked them to sell us some pallets, they said, "no, but you can have them for free." Sooo, I picked them up, and now we have reduced our household waste by approximately 20% and will have some good fertilizer for our herbs and flowers come summer. Yay!