18 August 2010

With the lunch bucket filled every season...

First day of first grade.
He loves it with all of his nerdy heart. He has lots of friends already, plenty of homework, and a wonderful, smart, warm teacher. He looks big, and so do the marigolds in the background.
Our days of lounging around doing lessons in the backyard on a picnic blanket have been traded for a strict regiment of lunch box packing, school, soccer, and homework. Was last year a dream? Must have been...


Sherry Gann said...

His hair looks great, but I totally would not have recognized him on the street. :)

Sending you guys lots of warm wishes and virtual hugs as you transition into your new rhythm.

Shug said...

Okay---I know how busy you are, but I NEED my Tough Mama updates---photos, quotes, stupid jokes---anything at all. The first two weeks of school are killers and I am strictly in survival mode at the moment; I know that you are too. Love to all.