We finally went for an
overnighter and tackled the Fiery Gizzard. We hiked a total of 15 miles with 35 lbs between us in our packs. The batteries on my camera ran out, and I only thought to use my phone about mid-trip, so I only took a few snap shots as I didn't want to keep messing with my phone.

Day one was the short part of the trip, but the map describes this section as "
arduous" and I am inclined to agree with that
description. The rocks are loose and there are long stretches where on false step, and you could easily end up wounded. This is NOT a trail for our little guys, and I am relieved that we didn't attempt it with them.

We had red beans and rice for dinner, made a fire at Raven Point, and hiked 8+ miles this morning before 11am. My legs ache!

The hike was gorgeous. We were rained on a bit, but the tree
canopy kept us from getting soaked, and we were able to make camp, cook, and sit around the fire with no wetness. It WAS muggy, but we were surrounded with water and it really wasn't
TOO hot.

Someone left all the workings for a campfire for us! We were too beat to use it, but it felt lucky. The next backpacker will get to enjoy it.

The path winds near overlooks, waterfalls, springs, through thick forests, rocky creek beds, cool moss covered rock piles, and
Laurel groves. Simply lovely.
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